
Disclaimer – LookFlyDesk

The website disclaims USAGE and LIMITATIONS of the travelers with respect to the booking of the flight tickets. The disclaimer will help the travelers to ensure better and more seamless experience on the website. Click on the Disclaimer view.

Welcome to the OTA – www.lookflydesk.com. The website describes and proscribes the manners in which travelers view and book their flight tickets. The Disclaimer invokes and obligates that cheapflydesk.com shall hold no responsibility for any changes/edits made on any section of the website.

We may make changes to any section of the website anytime without notifying or informing existing and the prospective consumers. Here are a few disclaims defined within the purview of cheapflydesk.com and its usage:

Facilities and Liabilities

  • www.lookflydesk.com is dedicated to the travel and flight ticket bookings and offering the users with a range of details such as flight itineraries, destination names, packages and interalia. However, we do not authenticate that all the information and other details are accurate and free of the typos.
  • We do not consider ourselves legally liable for incidental or consequential damages, punitive measures, or any potential damages with regard to website operations.
  • The details and other information provided in website are defined on “AS IS BASIS,” without giving any explicit and/or implicit warranties with respect to disguised/guised titles of the travelers/passengers who are using the website.
  • www.lookflydesk.com shall also not become accountable for implied warranties, or appropriateness of information with respect to the particular purpose of using the website interface. Besides, there are also certain exclusions, restrictions etc. which will not come under laws binding the applicable agreement.

Disclaims with Respect to International Flight Tickets

We recommend Users/Prospective Consumers/Passengers to read through specialized list of services for which it is mandatory to register. Such Users/Prospective Consumers/Passengers shall provide:

  • Detailed and précised information about them while filling the registration form;
  • Update the information for keeping the information most recent, accurate and whole.

Intellection Property Rights

  • Lookflydesk.com and the Intellectual Property Rights within the scope of this website extends beyond Trademarks, Copyrights besides the Texts and the Graphics are retained and under our license;
  • All the codes and scripts have been designed and written in accordance with standard international conventions. The users should not “BY ANY MEANS” reproduce, or reverse engineer, or disassemble or may for that matter de-compile the codes and create ALTERNATE OR DERIVATIVE WORKS.
  • All the content (INCLUSIVE OF IMAGES AND TEXT) available and used with respect to Intellectual Property Rights is/shall by no means relate to the content of the 3 rd Parties.
  • Lookflydesk.com has the AUTHORITY TO OWN AS WELL AS RETAIN the titles and the interests to any of the 3 rd Party Communities or Companies.
  • The Users/Passengers/Prospective Visitors to the website will not be construed or seen as the interpretation of rightful claim of the licenses or adherence to the designs of the website.

Liability and Its Limitations

  • We have contracts with the suppliers for the maintenance, but we hold no liabilities for unavailability of the website, which may be due to technical issues caused on the Supplier’s website. Under no circumstance, we or the suppliers associated with us are liable for direct and indirect damages, profit losses, or consequential or improbable obliterations with respect to our services.
  • We have no warranties with regard to limitations, damages or anything that would degrade our services and affect the clients, who may also be our customers.

NB: Lookflydesk.com adheres to the disclaims delineated within the scope of the document and all other disclaims that are beyond the written protocols of the disclaimer document.

Book with Us, Fly with Us

Flying is an enriching experience that goes above everything and at LookFlyDesk we are a comprehensive interface offering travel arrangements, flight bookings and cancelations on easy terms. We work on state of the art technology that gels the international travel buyers and suppliers to create an amazing and ecstatic experience for the travelers across the globe.

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